Getting Started: New Agent Activation

Next steps 

What we do next (In this order) 

1. Go into your welcome email and complete your login portal for SureLC. You’ll need your bank EFT and AML (Anti Money Laundering) certificate that you used for initial application. SureLC initiates contracting with our core carriers and is important to complete, so while you learning/training, they are working on your credentials on the back end.  Once completed, you will receive writing numbers our core carriers, so you can(aka the producer) write eApps.

2. Write an application, on yourself/spouse/child. This gets you practicing quotes, writing an app and entering it into OPT (where we track every piece of business we write). The producer number you’ll use for Mutual of Omaha is 0507069 until you have your own. (I have a video for this). You’ll enter this into opt (also a quick video I’ll send) which gives you application credit as a new writer and we get to celebrate you! Once you learn more over the next few weeks we can find more substantial coverage for you, this is just to get you learning the basics.

3. Summit training in Quility is called Basecamp. It is in the little mountain icon on the top right of HQ. You’ll complete up to the mentor checkpoint at which point we will chat about your goals and get to making money! Basecamp shouldn’t take more than a few hours to complete in total! 

Let me know when you’re ready and I’ll send videos for step 2 (there are 2 total) We are SO excited for you to get started here!!!

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