
Ad Examples


We are looking for experienced life agents. As a current (agency name)  agent, we feel that you are a good fit for our brokerage.

Click here to learn more and schedule your interview: (your link here _

We have many lead sources, many of which are in-house and exclusive to the agent.

We also have over 40 carriers to write with and best of all, you can keep your ANICO appointment.

Currently onboarding new team members

Why join our team?

*One of the fastest growing companies

*Personal mentoring

*Daily training and support meetings

*One and one mentorship to help achieve your financial goals

Click here to learn more and schedule your interview:

Our company offers

*Typical commissions of $500-$1000 per family helped

*5% promotions every 2 months up to 115% and then 3 months to 120%, 125% and 130%

*Complimentary life insurance for your first year

*Access to low-cost health insurance

*Passive income opportunities

No Cold Calling and No Prospecting!

Click here to learn more and schedule your interview:

*No agent’s success, earnings, or production results should be viewed as typical, average, or expected. Not all agents achieve the same or similar results, and no particular results are guaranteed. Your level of success will be determined by several factors, including the amount of work you put in, your ability to successfully follow and implement our training and sales system and engage with our lead system, and the insurance needs of the customers in the geographic areas in which you choose to work.

Does anyone else dread when Sunday nights roll around? Personally, I'm fired up because Mondays are MARVELOUS!!!

So you may have heard that... WE ARE HIRING?👉🏼

Here's WHO we are looking for? 👀🔎

✅ work from home

✅ coachable

✅ self driven & accountable

✅ looking for ownership

✅ love helping people

✅ commission based with 5% promotions every 2 months & Bonuses

✅ willing to grow personally and professionally

We will help you get licensed and trained

We don’t care about your level of education, your prior experience, or your age!

We care about people! And we are looking for more agents to help care for more people!

Watch Me... OR Join Me...

Interested in part-time or taking a full-time leap of blind faith.

I’d be happy to send you over more info, and let’s connect to see if you’d be a good fit! 🖤

Let's Go!

*No agent’s success, earnings, or production results should be viewed as typical, average, or expected. Not all agents achieve the same or similar results, and no particular results are guaranteed. Your level of success will be determined by several factors, including the amount of work you put in, your ability to successfully follow and implement our training and sales system and engage with our lead system, and the insurance needs of the customers in the geographic areas in which you choose to work.




After the recession of 2008, The top 10 banks were asked by the US government to share what they had their money in order to make it through without losing everything.

When they did, you know what they found? That all top 10 had 30 to 40% of their legal reserve invested in what?



Because people will always pass away and because life insurance companies invest their money into the safest places.

Meaning, should there ever be an economic downturn, life insurance companies are the last industry it will touch.

So what does that mean for the every day consumer?

That putting your money in life insurance contracts is literally the safest hedge possible. 🔒🔒

Why else do you think the wealthy are doing it while they encourage you to put your ALL your money in the market?

So whether you’re looking for a career opportunity that’s inflation proof or an avenue to put your money in to grow, even while inflation is at its worst, there’s one industry that covers both:


We’re seeing record growth, building something big! Lets chat 💯

*No agent’s success, earnings, or production results should be viewed as typical, average, or expected. Not all agents achieve the same or similar results, and no particular results are guaranteed. Your level of success will be determined by several factors, including the amount of work you put in, your ability to successfully follow and implement our training and sales system and engage with our lead system, and the insurance needs of the customers in the geographic areas in which you choose to work.